Thursday, April 30, 2015

Virtual Field Trips

How cool is this?!  If you don't have the opportunity for travel this summer, allow your child to take some of these virtual field trips.  Of course, it's not the same as actually being there and experiencing it in person, but they can still be exposed to culture, history, art, science, language, etc. on a different level. 
Open their minds, spark their interest, let them see that there is more to this world than they could ever imagine!  Follow the link below to this free resource.

Free Montessori Webinars

This is a great resource for those that wish to learn more about the Montessori philosophy in the comfort of your own home.  Just follow the link to watch free webinars at your leisure.  A lot of the webinars are really for educators, but you still may find some that are of interest for you.  You may watch them live or watch the recorded sessions.

Image result for montessori

Monday, April 20, 2015

Homework: Weeks of April 20 and April 27, 2015

Due to GMAS testing over the next two weeks, homework has been reduced. Reading logs will be due on Friday of this week and Friday of next week as well.  

2nd Grade
Moby Max- 1 Hour
Compass Learning- 1 Hour
Reading- Nightly 20-30 minutes.  Turn in reading log. 

3rd Grade
Reading- Nightly 20-30 minutes.  Turn in reading log. 

If you wish to practice on Moby Max(test prep) or Compass Learning, you are more than welcome to, but it is not required.

Friday, April 17, 2015


As we prepare for Georgia Milestones Assessment System commonly known as GMAS, I ask that you keep in mind a few things:

  • STRESS- keep it to a minimum 
  • BREAKFAST- be sure your child eats a full breakfast that includes protein to help maintain their energy each morning of testing
  • SLEEP-make sure they get a full night of sleep so they are rested and alert
  • PUNCTUAL- help them wake up with enough time to prepare without being stressed and/or rushed, and arrive with time to spare on each testing day  

*If anybody would like to provide testing snacks, please send in bananas, cheese sticks, small water bottles, peppermints, lemon heads...  No need to sign up; just send it in on Monday April 20. 2015 and I will divvy up accordingly throughout testing.  THANK YOU! 

Bananas Are Brain Food!
Bananas contain vitamins, minerals and amino acids that may enhance brain function.
With just 121 calories, less than half a gram of fat, no cholesterol and 3.5 grams of fiber, a large banana is a smart choice for anyone trying to follow a nutritious diet without gaining weight. A wide array of research suggests that eating bananas may make your seem smarter, as some of the vitamins, minerals and amino acids in bananas play a role in keeping your brain functioning at its optimal level.

Vitamin B6 and Cognitive Function
Getting an adequate amount of vitamin B6 may help improve your cognitive function. A large banana provides about .5 milligrams of the 1.1-to-1.7 milligrams of vitamin B6 the Institute of Medicine recommends you get each day. In a 1996 study published in the "American Journal of Clinical Nutrition," researchers from Boston's Tufts University gave a series of cognitive tests to 70 men, aged 54 to 81. They found that the men with higher concentrations of vitamin B6 performed better on two measures of memory than those with lower levels.

When your body metabolizes protein, it produces ammonia, according to the Franklin Institute. Magnesium activates an enzyme that converts ammonia to urea so your body can dispose of it. Even a small amount of brain ammonia can hinder your ability to focus and pay attention, so eating magnesium-rich foods are beneficial for improving your brain function. A large banana gives you 37 milligrams of magnesium, a mineral that helps facilitate the electrical activity between the nerve cells in your brain. The Institute of Medicine recommends adults get 265-to-350 milligrams of magnesium per day.

Mood Regulation
A large banana gives you 12 milligrams each of tryptophan and tyrosine, amino acids your body uses to make neurotransmitters serotonin and dopamine, which help regulate your mood, according to the University of Maryland Medical Center. Getting an adequate amount of these amino acids may help you stay calm and focused, while lessening feelings of anxiety and stress. The Institute of Medicine recommends adults get 47 milligrams of tyrosine and 7 milligrams of tryptophan per day.

Fructose Energy
The cells in your brain use glucose as fuel. Your brain cannot store it, so you must continually supply glucose to your brain through the food your eat. When you eat refined sugars, such as sweet cereals, candy and pastries, your body quickly depletes the carbohydrate content, especially from the sucrose, leaving you feeling sluggish and hungry again hours later. The fiber in a banana slows the breakdown and release of its sugars, mainly from fructose, into your bloodstream, according to the Franklin Institute. Because your body uses fruit sugar more gradually than refined sugar, a banana is a good way to get a steady stream of brain fuel.

taken from

Testing Dates

Week 1
Tuesday, April 21-2015- Language Arts (Section 1 and Section 2)

Wednesday, April 22, 2015-Language Arts (Section 3)

Thursday, April 23, 2015-Math

Friday, April 24, 2015-Make Up Day

Week 2
Monday, April 27, 2015-Science

Tuesday, April 28, 2015-Social Studies

Wednesday, April 29, 2015-MAKE UP DAY for all subjects


Dear families and students,

I have decided that the best way to communicate and keep everybody up to date on events and classroom happenings, would be through this new blog space.

I welcome any feedback you may have!

Thank you,
Ms. Jazmin