Monday, February 29, 2016

Montessori Parent Education

If you wish to be a little more informed on Montessori, may I suggest you follow this link to find some Montessori inspired children's books, a link to a video that explains the differences between Montessori and traditional education and a book that does the the same. 
Montessori Information  

Newsletter February 22

Ms. Jazmin & Ms. Marion
Week of February 22, 2016

A Note from Ms. Jazmin:
Students have chosen their new research topics! This time they either chose a Science or a Social Studies topic, not both. ALL presentations are due Thursday March 10, 2016. As usual, they have class time to work on research and presentations, but they are also encouraged to work on them at home. If they take materials home from the classroom, I ask that they return them daily so that other students may use them as well. 

We have received many postcards from throughout North America, and other continents as well and we will keep those for future studies.  Please keep them coming! The map of North America has arrived and we have begun putting up the postcards! 

Charles Ellis Montessori Academy 
Ms. Jazmin Room 20
220 E. 49th St.

Savannah, GA 31405
North America Postcards

Donuts with Dads was a huge hit! Especially after the dads allowed the children to DRINK COFFEE. :) That's not happening next year. Needless to say, they had a lot of extra recess and thankfully it was a P.E. day as well. Hopefully you have had the chance to see pictures that I took for the dads and father figures. As you have probably noticed by now, I don't post pictures with students faces on the blog. It truly was a pleasure to host this event. The students always enjoy it.   

As we approach end of year assessments, GMAS is in five weeks for 3rd grade and above, and MAP and SRI will begin next week. I ask that students practice and review on Compass Learning as much as their schedule permits; the main subject being math, but also the reading and language areas are helpful. Follow this link for login information: Compass Learning.The four weeks prior to testing time, please keep an eye out for additional paper practice and review that I will be sending home. Just like in the past, it is not required, but highly suggested as it helps prepare your child. The more they feel prepared, the less anxiety they are likely to experience during the test. If they are completing the work, feel free to send it in so I can help where needed.  
Wish List
Construction Paper

Dates to Remember:
2/29-3/4   International Montessori Week
3/2           Read Across America Day/Dr. Seuss Birthday/Bobcat Dads Reading 
3/5           PTA School Clean-Up Day
3/10         Research Presentations DUE
3/14-18    Spring Break
3/24         Student Presentations in Science, Social Studies, and Math
3/28         Spring Holiday/NO SCHOOL         

Upcoming HEALTHY snack weeks for 26 students: We do have a low level peanut allergy in the classroom, so we prefer peanut free snacks so that the student may also participate in snack with the class. 
Some suggestions for snack are: precut fruit (apples, grapes, bananas cut in half, oranges, etc.), precut vegetables with hummus for dipping, cheese and crackers, granola bars or chewies, trail mix, applesauce, hummus and crackers, yogurt or Gogurt, graham crackers…  The purpose of snack is to provide a nutritious energy booster when the students need it.  Please keep in mind the nutritional value when choosing a snack. 
2/29   CAMERON
3/7     MICHAEL
3/21   TONY

Cultural and Cosmic Focus
Where I Live
North America

Students are also working on their own research projects and presentations in both cultural and cosmic education that also align with the Common Core Curriculum.  If they wish to extend these projects to their home environment, they are more than welcome to and encouraged.


Monday, February 22, 2016

Newsletter February 15

Ms. Jazmin & Ms. Marion
Week of February 15, 2016

A Note from Ms. Jazmin:
Students have chosen their new research topics! This time they either chose a Science or a Social Studies topic, not both. ALL presentations are due Thursday March 10, 2016. As usual, they have class time to work on research and presentations, but they are also encouraged to work on them at home. If they take materials home from the classroom, I ask that they return them daily so that other students may use them as well. 

We have received many postcards from throughout North America, and other continents as well and we will keep those for future studies.  Please keep them coming! The map of North America has arrived and we have begun putting up the postcards! 

Charles Ellis Montessori Academy 
Ms. Jazmin Room 20
220 E. 49th St.

Savannah, GA 31405
North America Postcards

Donuts with Dads is this Friday from 8-9! I am looking forward to seeing and meeting dads and father figures! If you signed up for something, please send it in the day before or bring it in Friday morning. Donuts with Dads Sign Up and Information 

As we approach end of year assessments, GMAS is in six weeks for 3rd grade and above, and MAP and SRI will be around the same time, I ask that students practice and review on Compass Learning as much as their schedule permits; the main subject being math, but also the reading and language areas are helpful. Follow this link for login information: Compass Learning.The four weeks prior to testing time, please keep an eye out for additional paper practice and review that I will be sending home. Just like in the past, it is not required, but highly suggested as it helps prepare your child. The more they feel prepared, the less anxiety they are likely to experience during the test. If they are completing the work, feel free to send it in so I can help where needed.  
Wish List
Construction Paper

Dates to Remember:
2/22-2/26 PTA Science Celebration Week
2/26         Dress Down $1 Dress up as your favorite Montessori Material
2/26         Donuts with Dads Room 20 8-9
2/26         Sidewalk Arts Festival-Peace Sidewalk Arts Festival Information
2/29-3/4   International Montessori Week
3/2           Read Across America Day/Dr. Seuss Birthday/Bobcat Dads Reading 
3/5           PTA School Clean-Up Day
3/10         Research Presentations DUE
3/14-18    Spring Break
3/24         Student Presentations in Science, Social Studies, and Math
3/28         Spring Holiday/NO SCHOOL         

Upcoming HEALTHY snack weeks for 26 students: We do have a low level peanut allergy in the classroom, so we prefer peanut free snacks so that the student may also participate in snack with the class. 
Some suggestions for snack are: precut fruit (apples, grapes, bananas cut in half, oranges, etc.), precut vegetables with hummus for dipping, cheese and crackers, granola bars or chewies, trail mix, applesauce, hummus and crackers, yogurt or Gogurt, graham crackers…  The purpose of snack is to provide a nutritious energy booster when the students need it.  Please keep in mind the nutritional value when choosing a snack. 
2/22   ETHAN
2/29   CAMERON
3/7     MICHAEL
3/21   TONY

Cultural and Cosmic Focus
Where I Live
North America

Students are also working on their own research projects and presentations in both cultural and cosmic education that also align with the Common Core Curriculum.  If they wish to extend these projects to their home environment, they are more than welcome to and encouraged.


Monday, February 15, 2016

Newsletter February 8

Ms. Jazmin & Ms. Marion
Week of February 8  , 2016

A Note from Ms. Jazmin:
This past week was interesting being that I was out Wednesday for a training on combining the historic figures that are part of our standards with economics lessons. It was very helpful and I intend to use some of the resources within the next couple of weeks. I was also out Thursday while my eldest daughter Louisa worked through a stomach virus, and I was able to return to school Friday, even though I had reschedule all Thursday and Friday conferences thinking I would be out both days with her, just in time for the crazy Valentine's Day festivities and energy. We were also able to make Chinese dumplings Monday, at that was quite the hit! It was a chopped up week to say the least.

As we approach end of year assessments, GMAS is in seven weeks for 3rd grade and above and MAP and SRI will be around the same time, I ask that students practice and review on Compass Learning as much as their schedule permits; the main subject being math, but also the reading and language areas are helpful. Follow this link for login information: Compass Learning.The four weeks prior to testing time, please keep an eye out for additional paper practice and review that I will be sending home. Just like in the past, it is not required, but highly suggested as it helps prepare your child. The more they feel prepared, the less anxiety they are likely to experience during the test. If they are completeing the work, feel free to send it in so I can help where needed.  
Friday 19- POSTPONED- Ms. Lynn has obligations in New Orleans that are keeping her there a bit longer.
North America studies kick-off with a Mardi Gras lesson with New Orleans native Ms. Lynn (we'll also be cooking a King Cake this week in the classroom)

Friday 26 Donuts with Dads! Donuts with Dads Sign Up and Information

We have received many postcards from throughout North America, and other continents as well. we will keep those for future studies.  Please keep them coming! The map of North America has arrived and we have begun putting up the postcards! 

Charles Ellis Montessori Academy 
Ms. Jazmin Room 20
220 E. 49th St.
Savannah, GA 31405

Wish List
plastic utensils

Dates to Remember:
2/18-2/19 Jump Rope for Heart
2/19         Spring Picture Day and FREE Dress Down
2/19         PTA Father-Daughter Dance (buy tickets in the Media Center)
2/22-2/26 PTA Science Celebration Week
2/26         Dress Down $1 Dress up as you favorite Montessori Material
2/26         Donuts with Dads Room 20 8-9
2/26         Sidewalk Arts Festival-Peace

Upcoming HEALTHY snack weeks for 26 students: We do have a low level peanut allergy in the classroom, so we prefer peanut free snacks so that the student may also participate in snack with the class. 
Some suggestions for snack are: precut fruit (apples, grapes, bananas cut in half, oranges, etc.), precut vegetables with hummus for dipping, cheese and crackers, granola bars or chewies, trail mix, applesauce, hummus and crackers, yogurt or Gogurt, graham crackers…  The purpose of snack is to provide a nutritious energy booster when the students need it.  Please keep in mind the nutritional value when choosing a snack. 
2/15   RYAN
2/22   ETHAN

Cultural and Cosmic Focus
Where I Live
North America

Students are also working on their own research projects and presentations in both cultural and cosmic education that also align with the Common Core Curriculum.  If they wish to extend these projects to their home environment, they are more than welcome to and encouraged.


Monday, February 8, 2016

2nd Sidewalk Arts Festival!

Come join the fun!

GA DOE Parent Survey

PLEASE click on the link to fill out the anonymous Parent Climate Survey by Friday February 12, 2016. Administration has asked that you email me after after the survey has been completed. 
Thank you!
Parent Survey

Sunday, February 7, 2016

Newsletter February 1

Ms. Jazmin & Ms. Marion
Week of February 1  , 2016

A Note from Ms. Jazmin:
"If education is always to be conceived along the same antiquated lines of a mere transmission of knowledge, there is little to be hoped from it in the bettering of man's future. For what is the use of transmitting knowledge, there is little to be hoped from it in the bettering of man's future. For what is the use of transmitting knowledge if the individual's total development lags behind?" 
-Maria Montessori 
I have been so pleased with the research projects and presentations. The students are beginning to take ownership over their own learning and I feel as though this a direct result of the sense of accomplishment they are feeling. They truly are teaching themselves and one another. I have merely become a guide; as it should be. Please join us this Thursday February 11 6:30-7:30 in the Media Center to hear Rob Keyes speak on the topic of Following the Child.
Students will choose new research topics next week that will have due dates of March 4 and March 11.   

Monday 8- Classroom Chinese New Year celebration! We're making dumplings with our new kitchen! Students will also be creating a craft over the next week to go along with Chinese New Year. 

Tuesday 9, Thursday 11, and Friday 12- Conferences! Please refer to the SignUp Genius for your day and time! Conference Sign Up

Friday 12- Geometric Shape Box/Valentine Box Due (Instructions are posted at the bottom of the newsletter. They were also sent home 1/29/16 along with classroom names for valentines.

Friday 19- North America studies kick-off with a Mardi Gras lesson with New Orleans native Ms. Lynn (we'll also be cooking a King Cake this week in the classroom)

Friday 26 Donuts with Dads! Donuts with Dads Sign Up and Information

We have received many postcards from throughout North America. Please keep them coming! The map of North America that I ordered is almost here. The postcards will be going up soon!

Charles Ellis Montessori Academy 
Ms. Jazmin Room 20
220 E. 49th St.
Savannah, GA 31405

Wish List
plastic utensils

Dates to Remember:
2/2-2/12   Carnation Sales $2 each (athletic fund) purchase from Coach Lesley
2/11         Montessori 101 Rob Keyes Montessori Trainer Presentation-Follow the                  Child 6:30-7:30 Media Center
2/12         Dress Down $1 Pink Out-Susan G. Komen
2/15         President's Day- NO SCHOOL
2/18-2/19 Jump Rope for Heart
2/19         Spring Picture Day
2/19         PTA Father-Daughter Dance
2/22-2/26 PTA Science Celebration Week
2/26         Dress Down $1 Dress up as you favorite Montessori Material
2/26         Donuts with Dads Room 20 8-9
2/26         Sidewalk Arts Festival-Peace

Upcoming HEALTHY snack weeks for 26 students: We do have a low level peanut allergy in the classroom, so we prefer peanut free snacks so that the student may also participate in snack with the class. 
Some suggestions for snack are: precut fruit (apples, grapes, bananas cut in half, oranges, etc.), precut vegetables with hummus for dipping, cheese and crackers, granola bars or chewies, trail mix, applesauce, hummus and crackers, yogurt or Gogurt, graham crackers…  The purpose of snack is to provide a nutritious energy booster when the students need it.  Please keep in mind the nutritional value when choosing a snack. 

2/8     MAX
2/15   RYAN
2/22   ETHAN

Cultural and Cosmic Focus
Where I Live
North America

Students are also working on their own research projects and presentations in both cultural and cosmic education that also align with the Common Core Curriculum.  If they wish to extend these projects to their home environment, they are more than welcome to and encouraged.


Friday, February 5, 2016

Montessori 101 Semester 2

Our next Montessori 101 session is with Rob Keyes this coming February 11, 2016! He is one of our Montessori trainers and a well of information, coupled with a keen sense of humor. I highly suggest carving time into your schedule to come see him; you will not be disappointed. I hope to see you there!