Friday, February 3, 2017

Newsletter February 3, 2017

Ms. Jazmin & Ms. Marion
February 3, 2017

A Note from Ms. Jazmin:
The field trip to Ft. Pulaski with a focus on heat energy was fantastic! I hope you have had a moment to speak with your children about the things they learned and were given the opportunity to participate in! 

We have completed all conferences and have entered the second half of the school year with vigor. Students have been working diligently on their math skills and are progressing nicely through their new lessons. As we near spring testing we will begin our test preparations. Third grade families should look for homework specifically geared to GMAS to be going home in our effort to provide as much test preparation as possible, while still maintaining some sanity. GMAS testing window is April 3-11.

I am in the process of signing up the class for Khan Academy. Please look out for an email from them on information on how to proceed with the program. I've heard great things about Khan Academy and think it will be another dynamic tool for math practice at home.

Students have chosen their next Social Studies research topics. They were given the option to partner with someone to present with, and most did. The topics chosen were from our geography, economics, and government topics. All research/presentations will be due Monday, February 27th. I told the students that if the project is not turned in on time that they will not be able to present, but will still need to show me their projects. The late presentations have taken up a lot of valuable class time.

This Friday is our annual Donuts with Dads event! If you haven't yet, please click on the link for more information. We are still in need of a few items! Donuts with Dads Sign Up   

Please go to the post about Valentine's day and information on the assignment due on February 14th! Click here Valentine Box Assignment

Wish List
Pencils-running dangerously low
Guinea Pig SuppliesFOOD,pine shavings or other bedding, and treats if you wish. *items in bold are most needed

White card stock 8.5 x 11 for Montessori materials I have purchased online. I also use card stock with crafts for the students. 

Also, if you're feeling especially generous, here are my wish lists for classroom materials:
Alison's Montessori

Dates to Remember:
2/10       Donuts with Dads-Room 20
2/10       Dress Down- $1 Pink Out for Susan G. Komen
2/24       Father Daughter Dance-6:30- Multipurpose Room 
2/27-3/3 Montessori Education Week

3/2         Cosmic Education Night and PTA
3/3         Dress Up for Montessori-Come as your favorite Montessori material! $1                 for a Montessori charity

Upcoming Healthy and Nutrient Dense snack weeks for 25 students: We do have a low level peanut allergy in the classroom, so we prefer peanut free snacks so that the student may also participate in snack with the class.
Some suggestions for snack are: precut fruit (apples, grapes, bananas cut in half, oranges, etc.), precut vegetables with hummus for dipping, cheese and crackers, granola bars or chewies, trail mix, applesauce, hummus and crackers, yogurt or Gogurt, graham crackers…  The purpose of snack is to provide a nutritious energy booster when the students need it.  Please keep in mind the nutritional value when choosing a snack.

2/6     COLE
2/13   KE'MARI
2/20   LAURA 

Cultural and Cosmic Focus
Georgia-Geography and Historic Figures
South America
The Coming of Life-Great Lesson(also known as the Black Strip)
Tree of Life-Classification

Saturday, January 14, 2017

Valentine Box

Valentine's Day is fast approaching! You should have received the class list with names for the actual Valentines in an email. Below are the instructions for the Valentine Box assignment. Have fun with it! 

Valentine Box by jazmin on Scribd

I borrowed the information below from
It's nice to know the origins of the things we do.

Every February we celebrate Valentine's Day by giving flowers, candy and cards to those we love. We do this in honor of St. Valentine. You may be wondering, "Who is St. Valentine"? Time to brush up on your Valentine's history!

There are different ideas as to where or how the celebration of Valentine's Day began. The Roman's celebrated a festival called Lupercalia on February 15. This festival was held to ward off the danger of wolves to their flocks and honored their God Lupercalia. Some people think that Valentine's Day is based on this festival.

Another legend is that St. Valentine was a priest who served during third century Rome. During that time, there was an Emperor who ruled Rome named Claudius II. Emperor Claudius II decided that single men made better soldiers than those that were married and outlawed marriage for all young men serving in his army. Supposedly, Valentine, decided this decree just wasn't fair and chose to marry young couples secretly. When Emperor Claudius II found out about Valentine's actions he had him impisoned, and later put to death. Some stories say that the young couples, who Valentine had married, gave flowers and letters to Valentine when they visited him in the prison.

In a slightly different version of the legend, Valentine was an imprisoned man who fell in love with his jailor's daughter. Before he was put to death he sent the first 'valentine' to his love when he wrote her a letter and signed it 'Your Valentine'. These words are still used on cards today.

Perhaps we'll never know the true identity and story behind the man named St. Valentine, but this much is for sure...February has been the month to celebrate love for a long time, dating way back to the Middle Ages. In fact, Valentine's Day ranks second only to Christmas in number of greeting cards sent.

Another famous person from Valentine's Day that you may be wondering about is Cupid (Latin cupido, "desire"). In Roman mythology Cupid is the son of Venus, goddess of love. His counterpart in Greek mythology is Eros, god of love. Cupid is often said to be a mischievous boy who goes around wounding both gods and humans with his arrows, causing them to fall in love.

Friday, January 13, 2017

Newsletter January 9, 2017

Ms. Jazmin & Ms. Marion
January 9, 2017

A Note from Ms. Jazmin:
I have enjoyed meeting with all of you during our conferences this week. Thank you for coming in. If you have not signed up with me, please email me so we can work something out. I have important information to share with you about your child's progress.

We have a few new exciting things happening in our classroom! For one, we have begun our "Mentor Reading" with Ms. Cecily's Pk/K class. Each student has a buddy that they will be working with each Friday for the next nine weeks. Today they were matched and got to know each other a little bit. Next Friday we will begin with the reading. The students seem very happy to have this opportunity! 

We also have begun using Ten Marks in the classroom, for math skills practice. I love this program because I can assign specific standards and assignments for the students to work on. I can also see exactly which problems they excelled on and which they did not. This serves as another tool to better serve your child's individual needs with regards to math. They are free to work on Ten Marks assignments at home, but I ask that they only work on the assignment/assignments that are due that week. I am reminding them that it is important that they use the hints and watch the videos to help them better understand a concept they are unsure of. I have also been able to give several lessons on the new Montessori math material that we have in our classroom and the students seem to have some renewed energy towards the math work.

Research has been going really well. The shortened due date seems to have invigorated the speed with which they are working. I have realized that with this particular group the long due dates were not optimal. 

All in all we are off to a great second half of the school year!

Please remember that the Cultural Parade of Fashion is next week, Friday the 20th in the Multipurpose Room. Please sign up on this sign up genius if you wish for your child to participate. I hope to see many familiar faces there to help us celebrate the diverse student body that we have here at Ellis! Cultural Parade Sign Up
We have our first family event in our classroom approaching! It is our annual Donuts with Dad's event! This is always a huge favorite among the students as they love to have their dads visit them in the classroom. Any and all father figures are welcome to attend. That could be a brother, cousin, uncle, pastor, grandfather, family friend etc. Even a mom can fill in! Please go to the sign up for more information. Also, do not feel like you must stay the full hour, however it is best if dads can arrive on time so that the treats can be set up for all to enjoy. Donuts With Dads Sign Up 

Please remember that we do not have school Monday as we are observing Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. Day, and also our class has a field trip Thursday, January 26th. Look for details in an email. 

Wish List
Nose Tissue-we are all out!
Pencils-running dangerously low
Guinea Pig Suppliesfood, Timothy hay, pine shavings or other bedding , and treats if you wish. *items in bold are most needed

White card stock 8.5 x 11 for Montessori materials I have purchased online. I also use card stock with crafts for the students.    

Dates to Remember:
1/4     Students Return
1/16   MLK Day-NO SCHOOL
1/26   Field Trip
1/27   Dress Down Day $1-Dollars fro Disasters

Upcoming Healthy and Nutrient Dense snack weeks for 25 students: We do have a low level peanut allergy in the classroom, so we prefer peanut free snacks so that the student may also participate in snack with the class.
Some suggestions for snack are: precut fruit (apples, grapes, bananas cut in half, oranges, etc.), precut vegetables with hummus for dipping, cheese and crackers, granola bars or chewies, trail mix, applesauce, hummus and crackers, yogurt or Gogurt, graham crackers…  The purpose of snack is to provide a nutritious energy booster when the students need it.  Please keep in mind the nutritional value when choosing a snack.

1/16   AMELIA
1/30   ELISHA   

Cultural and Cosmic Focus
Georgia-Geography and Historic Figures
South America
Tree of Life-Classification
The Coming of Life-Great Lesson

Tuesday, January 3, 2017

Newsletter January 3, 2017

Ms. Jazmin & Ms. Marion
January 3, 2017

A Note from Ms. Jazmin:
Happy new year! Welcome back families! I'm feeling rejuvenated after this much needed break and am ready for the second half of the school year with your children! 

Before the break we were very busy with several cultural activities in the classroom. Our students learned about Hanukkah, they made Christmas ornaments to gift to their families, they made holiday cards for the residents at Habersham House, we collected canned and non perishable goods for Coastal Georgia Second Harvest, we went on a field trip to the Savannah Children's Theatre, science presentations, and we had our annual Holiday Sing-a-long! Thank you to all that were able to lend a helping hand in any of these activities. Below are some photos for your enjoyment!

Savannah Children's Theatre

Savannah Children's Theatre
Science Presentations

Science Presentations

Coastal Georgia Second Harvest

Coastal Georgia Second Harvest

Holiday Cards for Habersham House!

Charles Ellis Montessori Academy annual Holiday Sing-a-long

As we begin the second half of the school year we will continue with our research projects/presentations, we will shift from North America to South America for the remainder of the school year, and we will introduce a brand new Montessori math material in our classroom that I am very excited to begin with the students.

We have parent/teacher conferences the weeks of January 9th and January 16th. If you do not see a day and/or time that works for you, please let me know and we can find a way to make it work. Please click on the link for more sign up information: Winter 2017 Conference Sign Up   

Please keep in mind the Parade of Cultural Fashion, the first of our PTA cultural events, that will be January 20, 2017 in the Multipurpose room. We would like any and all cultures represented at this event with traditional costumes! Please click on the link Cultural Parade Sign Up for more information and please sign up to be a part of highlighting our diverse culture at Ellis! Parade of Cultural Fashion I'm dressing my own daughters up; one in traditional Puerto Rican costume and the other in traditional Cuban costume! The head of the PTA Cultural Committee is one of our very own parents from our classroom, Beverly Williams! I agreed to help her with the communications portion and helping her get the word out. It would be wonderful to see a large show of support from our very own classroom community!

Wish List
Guinea Pig Supplies- food, Timothy hay, pine shavings or other bedding , and treats if you wish. *items in bold are most needed

White card stock 8.5 x 11 for Montessori materials I have purchased online. I also use card stock with crafts for the students.    

Dates to Remember:
1/4     Students Return
1/16   MLK Day-NO SCHOOL
1/26   Field Trip
1/27   Dress Down Day $1-Dollars fro Disasters

Upcoming Healthy and Nutrient Dense snack weeks for 25 students: We do have a low level peanut allergy in the classroom, so we prefer peanut free snacks so that the student may also participate in snack with the class.
Some suggestions for snack are: precut fruit (apples, grapes, bananas cut in half, oranges, etc.), precut vegetables with hummus for dipping, cheese and crackers, granola bars or chewies, trail mix, applesauce, hummus and crackers, yogurt or Gogurt, graham crackers…  The purpose of snack is to provide a nutritious energy booster when the students need it.  Please keep in mind the nutritional value when choosing a snack.

1/4     LUCY (3 days)
1/9     PAIGE
1/16   AMELIA
1/30   ELISHA   

Cultural and Cosmic Focus
Georgia-Geography and Historic Figures
South America
Tree of Life-Classification