Friday, October 30, 2015

Republished Newsletter October 19

Somehow I deleted the newsletter from October 19 and this is the only way I was able to recover it.  Please find October 26 Newsletter in the post before this one.  

Ms. Jazmin & Ms. Marion
Week of October 19, 2015

A Note from Ms. Jazmin:
We had two student presentations today that were the culmination of weeks of research and they did a magnificent job! The class asked many questions after the presentations and they were able to answer all of them with a lot of detail which showed a deep understanding and internalization of the content.

Our Montessori certification training has continued this week every day after the school day. We focused on completing the lessons in the Geometry album that we began during part of our summer training. This was our first live webinar experience in our training.  We had Gary Davidson with us in person and we had Rob Keyes as our webinar teacher.  I can't wait to implement my new knowledge!  Also, we truly thank all parents that have donated dinner, deserts, etc. for our training.     

We also had the pleasure of hosting Gary Davidson in our Montessori 101 Parent Education evening focusing on the Montessori three year cycle!  I can tell you from experience that the advantages of a three year cycle are beyond what can be put into words. I encourage you all to arrange observation windows with me so you can see it all in action in your child's classroom. It's a beautiful site to behold!

Great turnout at Montessori 101-3 Year Cycle

Please remember that we have field trips next week and comfortable walking shoes are recommended.  Please remind your child to dress for the weather as well. We will be having a picnic lunch in the square if time permits.

For those that have volunteered to send in baked goods for the Fall Festival classroom pet fundraiser, feel free to send the treats in with your child in the morning.  We have refrigeration available to us if needed. I am still looking for a few more parents/children that are  willing to take a turn manning the table.  I have had one parent say they will help with the table, but I know that they would like to enjoy the rest of the festival with their own children as well. The official times are 4-7pm.  If five more parents volunteer, then they would only have to man the table for 30 minutes a piece.  Also, Hipster Hound has so graciously offered to give a monetary donation towards our efforts!       

Below are some fall activities in our area to enjoy with your children.  Make sure to go to the respective websites for more information and details:
Bethesda-Haunted Hayrides
Skidaway Island State Park- Haunted Trail, Falloween Family Fun Day...
Madrac Farms-Pumpkin Patch and Corn Maize-Rincon, GA
Savannah Octoberfest-River Street
Holiday Farms-Pumpkin Patch, Hayrides, and Pig Races- Ridgeland, SC
Savannah Children's Museum and Scribble Art Studio (story time and art workshops)
Isle of Hope Art and Music Festival
Oatland Island- Haunted Hike(October) and Harvest Festival (November)
Children's Book Festival (details in an earlier post)
Jewish Food Festival- Forsyth Park
Food Day- Daffin Park

Wish List
Construction Paper

Dates to Remember:
10/23-11/7 MESS Holiday Photo Fundraiser (proceeds go towards our                                 Montessori teacher training and certification)
10/26-30 Great Pumpkin Book Characters- Media Center
10/30      Bobcat Dads Reading Day (Spooky Stories)
10/30      PTA Fall Festival- Backyard 4-7 (Help with our class bake sale!) 
10/30      Dress Down "Sports Stars" $1 for Athletics Fund
11/5        Science Parent Education Program 
11/6-30   PTA Read-A-Thon (I would love for our class to have 100%                                participation!)
11/11      NO SCHOOL Veteran's Day
11/19      PTA Meeting 6:30 Multipurpose Room
11/20      Dress Down $1 Pennies for Patients
11/25-29 NO SCHOOL Thanksgiving Holiday
Upcoming HEALTHY snack weeks for 26 students: We do have a low level peanut allergy in the classroom, so we prefer peanut free snacks so that the student may also participate in snack with the class.  
Some suggestions for snack are: precut fruit (apples, grapes, bananas cut in half, oranges, etc.), precut vegetables with hummus for dipping, cheese and crackers, granola bars or chewies, trail mix, applesauce, hummus and crackers, yogurt or Gogurt, graham crackers…  The purpose of snack is to provide a nutritious energy booster when the students need it.  Please keep in mind the nutritional value when choosing a snack.  
10/26   CAMERON
11/2     MICHAEL
11/9     TONY

This Week's Lessons : (students continue to work on previous lessons)

Magic "e"
Article and Noun
Noting Details
Getting the Main Idea
Capital Letters
Writing- "Tell a Story"- Narrative
Writing- "Introducing a Topic"- Narrative

Letter "l"

Checker Board x
Stamp Game +x-/
Bead Frame +x -
Golden Beads- Dynamic Addition
Subtraction Strip Board
Multi-step Word Problems
Detective Adjective Game
Number Detective

Geometric Solids
Constructive Triangles/Equilateral Triangles
Contructive Triangles/Large Hexagon Box

Cultural and Cosmic
Georgia-Our State
United States Geography

Students are also beginning their own research projects and presentation in both cultural and cosmic education that also align with the Common Core Curriculum.  If they wish to extend these projects to their home environment, they are more than welcome to and encouraged.    

Practical Life/Jobs
Arithmetic Materials Specialist
Geometry Materials Specialist

Friday, October 23, 2015

Newsletter October 26

Ms. Jazmin & Ms. Marion
Week of October 26, 2015

A Note from Ms. Jazmin:
Thank you all that were able to send in sweets and also volunteer for the cake walk at this year's Fall Festival!  I will  let you know in next week's newsletter how much money we were able to raise.  I'll also let you know how the dunking booth went for me...  I'm hoping the wet suit keeps me warm-ish.     

Our first and second year field trip that was scheduled for Tuesday the 27th was canceled due to the rain and we rescheduled for November 9, 2015.  New permission slips went home with your child on Tuesday. I also sent home the Musical Explorers permission slips to first, second, and third year students. Please return them filled in completely as soon as possible. If you wish for your child NOT to be photographed at the Musical Explorers concert please let me know ASAP via email.     

Third year students thoroughly enjoyed their field trip, "It's All Greek!". They learned about our roots in Greek architecture via the many examples in our historic downtown buildings.  Ask them about it! 

A slew of paperwork has been going home this week that needs your attention. Please pay close attention to your child's folders and return the forms when they are filled out.  ALL verification forms must be returned, even if there are no changes to be made. If there are no changes, please note that on the form.

Bobcat dads came by and read books to our class this morning. This was great, especially for me, since this was the first year that upstairs classrooms could participate. Thank you to all the dads that volunteered and helped make it possible to the upstairs classes!  Students feel the importance of school and learning when they see parent involvement; again, thank you. 

Tutorial begins next week, Monday.  Student test scores were used in determining which students were invited to join due to limited resources. If you received a letter home, please return it as soon as possible either agreeing to allow your child to join the program, or declining.

Friday morning we have children's author, Stephanie Sisler, coming in to speak with the children! This should be a fun and engaging event! Below are a couple of her books.



Below are some fall activities in our area to enjoy with your children.  Make sure to go to the respective websites for more information and details:
Bethesda-Haunted Hayrides
Skidaway Island State Park- Haunted Trail, Falloween Family Fun Day...
Madrac Farms-Pumpkin Patch and Corn Maize-Rincon, GA
Savannah Octoberfest-River Street
Holiday Farms-Pumpkin Patch, Hayrides, and Pig Races- Ridgeland, SC
Savannah Children's Museum and Scribble Art Studio (story time and art workshops)
Isle of Hope Art and Music Festival
Oatland Island- Haunted Hike(October) and Harvest Festival (November)
Children's Book Festival (details in an earlier post)
Jewish Food Festival- Forsyth Park
Food Day- Daffin Park

Wish List
Construction Paper

Dates to Remember:
11/5        Science Parent Education Program 
11/6-30   PTA Read-A-Thon (I would love for our class to have 100%                                participation!)
11/11      NO SCHOOL Veteran's Day
11/19      PTA Meeting 6:30 Multipurpose Room
11/20      Dress Down $1 Pennies for Patients
11/25-29 NO SCHOOL Thanksgiving Holiday

Upcoming HEALTHY snack weeks for 26 students: We do have a low level peanut allergy in the classroom, so we prefer peanut free snacks so that the student may also participate in snack with the class.  
Some suggestions for snack are: precut fruit (apples, grapes, bananas cut in half, oranges, etc.), precut vegetables with hummus for dipping, cheese and crackers, granola bars or chewies, trail mix, applesauce, hummus and crackers, yogurt or Gogurt, graham crackers…  The purpose of snack is to provide a nutritious energy booster when the students need it.  Please keep in mind the nutritional value when choosing a snack.  

11/2     MICHAEL
11/9     TONY (4 day week)
11/16   DOROTHY
11/23   EVAN (2 day week)

This Week's Lessons : (students continue to work on previous lessons)

Magic "e"
Sentences- Subject/Predicate
Capital Letters
Writing- "Tell a Story"- Narrative
Writing- "Introducing a Topic"- Narrative

Letter "b"

Checker Board x
Stamp Game +x-/
Bead Frame +x -
Golden Beads- Dynamic Addition
Subtraction Strip Board
Detective Adjective Game

Geometric Solids
Constructive Triangles/Equilateral Triangles
Contructive Triangles/Large Hexagon Box

Cultural and Cosmic
Georgia-Our State
United States Geography

Students are also beginning their own research projects and presentation in both cultural and cosmic education that also align with the Common Core Curriculum.  If they wish to extend these projects to their home environment, they are more than welcome to and encouraged.    

Practical Life/Jobs
Arithmetic Materials Specialist
Geometry Materials Specialist

Compass Learning

Compass Learning is a wonderful resource that is DIRECTLY linked to MAP testing. It is only available to second grade and up. Every time your child takes their MAP test, new folders go into their platform that contain the specific skills and level that they need to practice in order to grow. Please use the Language Arts and Reading sections. We were told that these sections will help with GMAS testing results. Also, the kids LOVE Compass Learning! I suggest that when they are working on the math that you encourage them to ask questions and also work the problems out with pencil and paper before they answer.

Tuesday, October 20, 2015

Holiday Evergreens

This is a fundraiser for our band program. I have ordered wreathes etc. every year and am always pleased with the quality. Order forms and information are going home today!

Saturday, October 17, 2015

Newsletter October 12

Ms. Jazmin & Ms. Marion
Week of October 12, 2015

A Note from Ms. Jazmin:
This was a short week, and I had an all day training Friday, so no reflections were sent home this week. 

Our first field trip is coming up in a little over one week! The virtual field trip, The Good Egg project, was a hit!  I believe it was eye opening for many. Ask your child about their thoughts on their virtual trip to Creighton Farms.  Ask them what they learned! I was surprised to hear some of the things they retained.

We have Compass Learning available to us again! Please use this online resource as much as possible!  Compass Learning is directly tied to the mathematics test that second through eighth grades take, and the test scores are used for promotion criteria in several grades including second and third(right now). The program now also offers Reading and Language Arts in addition to Mathematics.  We are hearing that these areas should also help students with the GMAS test that third grade takes at the end of the year.  Login information will be posted as it comes available. Third grade may begin as soon as they wish because they use the same logins as last year.           

We have some exciting philanthropy opportunities for our students and families coming up!  In November we will begin gathering specific supplies for animals in need at Coastal Pet Rescue, students will be creating decorated winter themed poems for the resident elderly at Habersham House in December, and lastly we will be accepting donations towards our latest Donors Choose project in lieu of holiday gifts for me/the class.  More details will be revealed as time approaches. In the meantime, please remember that we are currently looking for table manning/money collecting volunteers and baked good donations for the Fall Festival to raise money for our new classroom pets.  If you can help by volunteering or by sending in baked goods, please comment below or email to let me know.  

Please see more information and link below and in a previous post from this week for the latest MESS fundraiser; a holiday family photo session with professional photographers at a great value! There is limited availability, so sign up fast!  At the time of creating this post there were very few slots still available. Click here: MESS Holiday Photo Fundraiser 

Below are some fall activities in our area to enjoy with your children.  Make sure to go to the respective websites for more information and details:
Bethesda-Haunted Hayrides
Skidaway Island State Park- Haunted Trail, Falloween Family Fun Day...
Madrac Farms-Pumpkin Patch and Corn Maize-Rincon, GA
Savannah Octoberfest-River Street
Holiday Farms-Pumpkin Patch, Hayrides, and Pig Races- Ridgeland, SC
Savannah Children's Museum and Scribble Art Studio (story time and art workshops)
Isle of Hope Art and Music Festival
Oatland Island- Haunted Hike(October) and Harvest Festival (November)
Children's Book Festival

Wish List
Construction Paper

Dates to Remember:
10/23-11/7 MESS Holiday Photo Fundraiser (proceeds go towards our                                 Montessori teacher training and certification)
10/26-30 Great Pumpkin Book Characters- Media Center
10/30      Bobcat Dads Reading Day (Spooky Stories)
10/30      PTA Fall Festival- Backyard 4-7 (Help with our class bake sale!) 
10/30      Dress Down "Sports Stars" $1 for Athletics Fund
11/5        Science Parent Education Program 
11/6-15   PTA Read-A-Thon (I would love for our class to have 100%                                participation)
11/11      NO SCHOOL Veteran's Day
11/19      PTA Meeting 6:30 Multipurpose Room
11/20      Dress Down $1 Pennies for Patients
11/25-29 NO SCHOOL Thanksgiving Holiday

Upcoming HEALTHY snack weeks for 26 students: We do have a low level peanut allergy in the classroom, so we do prefer peanut free snacks so that the student may also participate in snack with the class.  
Some suggestions for snack are: precut fruit (apples, grapes, bananas cut in half, oranges, etc.), precut vegetables with hummus for dipping, cheese and crackers, granola bars or chewies, trail mix, applesauce, hummus and crackers, yogurt or Gogurt, graham crackers…  The purpose of snack is to provide a nutritious energy booster when the students need it.  Please keep in mind the nutritional value when choosing a snack.  

10/19   ETHAN
10/26   CAMERON
11/2     MICHAEL
11/9     TONY

This Week's Lessons : (students continue to work on previous lessons)

Magic "e"
Article and Noun
Noting Details
Getting the Main Idea
Guide Words
Capital Letters
Sight Words

Letter "e"

Checker Board x
Stamp Game +x-/
Bead Frame +x -
Golden Beads- Dynamic Addition
Money Word Problems
Expanded Notation/Place Value with Number Cards
Making Tens
Subtraction Strip Board

Geometric Solids
Constructive Triangles/Equilateral Triangles
Contructive Triangles/Large Hexagon Box

Cultural and Cosmic
Georgia-Our State
United States Geography

Students are also beginning their own research projects and presentation in both cultural and cosmic education that also align with the Common Core Curriculum.  If they wish to extend these projects to their home environment, they are more than welcome to and encouraged.    

Practical Life/Jobs
Arithmetic Materials Specialist
Geometry Materials Specialist

Thursday, October 15, 2015

Thursday, October 8, 2015

Newsletter October 5

Ms. Jazmin & Ms. Marion
Week of October 5, 2015

A Note from Ms. Jazmin:
Our class is having a bake sale at the Charles Ellis Montessori Academy Fall Festival on Friday October 30!!  We are trying to raise money for a new classroom pet.  The pet that we end up with depends on how much money is raised, and which animal the students vote on. The choices are two guinea pigs, two parakeets, or two hamsters/gerbils.  We need your help!  Are there any parents that would be willing to man our table for the duration of the event, along with student helpers? Depending on interest level, we could also have parents alternate through. Also, we will need donations of baked goods that we can sell for $1 or $2.  I believe that the more the baked goods can be geared towards fall or Halloween themed treats, the more chances we have of selling them. Please email me if you think you may be able to help out with this fundraiser.  Of course, I encourage you to allow your child to help in the baking and/or decorating of the treats.  That would be a fabulous homework option!

Guinea Pigs
Image result for parakeets

Wednesday we had a hydroponic garden specialist come for a visit and it was wonderful! Mr. Andrew gave general information about different types of hydroponic gardens, then the students had the opportunity to start seeds in a coconut husk grow medium that he graciously donated to each participating class! Some of the Erdkinder students helped in this endeavor as well.  Mr. Andrew also helped in educating the teachers on the systems.  Over the next few weeks we will be sowing more seeds, setting up the hydroponic tower, and transferring the seedlings to the tower.  If you are interesting in helping with any of these steps please let me know soon! Next week, Thursday, we have the virtual field trip, The Good Egg Project, to an egg farm called Creighton Brothers Farm.  We will explore the ecosystem of an egg farm and discover how all parts- from soil to plants to hens to humans- relate to and depend on one another.  Plus, we will learn how this five-generation family believes high-quality animal care and environmental stewardship are critical to their business, to the community, and to the world.  

Sowing Seeds

Sowing Seeds

Please see more information and link below and in a previous post from this week for the latest MESS fundraiser; a holiday family photo session with professional photographers at a great value!  There is limited availability, so sign up fast! Click here: MESS Holiday Photo Fundraiser 

Thank you for coming out to the Mathematics Parent Education Program!  I hope you gained some insight and clarity into a couple of the materials used in Montessori to teach arithmetic.  Next month we will be holding the Cultural/Social Studies Parent Education Program slated for November 17, 2015. I hope to see you there!  

Below are some fall activities in our area to enjoy with your children.  Make sure to go to the respective websites for more information and details:
Bethesda-Haunted Hayrides
Madrac Farms-Pumpkin Patch and Corn Maize-Rincon, GA
Savannah Octoberfest-River Street
Holiday Farms-Pumpkin Patch, Hayrides, and Pig Races- Ridgeland, SC
Savannah Children's Museum and Scribble Art Studio (story time and art workshops)
Isle of Hope Art and Music Festival
Oatland Island- Haunted Hike(October) and Harvest Festival (November)

Reminder: Please send in all complete permission slips and exact change or check of $9.25. Thank you! 

Wish List
Construction Paper

Dates to Remember:
10/12      Staff/Student Holiday- NO SCHOOL
10/16-18 MESS Holiday Photo Fundraiser (proceeds go towards our Montessori                 teacher training and certification)
10/26-30 Great Pumpkin Book Characters- Media Center
10/30      Bobcat Dads Reading Day (Spooky Stories)
10/30      PTA Fall Festival- Backyard 4-? 
10/30      Dress Down "Sports Stars" $1 for Athletics Fund

Upcoming HEALTHY snack weeks for 26 students: We do have a low level peanut allergy in the classroom, so we do prefer peanut free snacks so that the student may also participate in snack with the class.  
Some suggestions for snack are: precut fruit (apples, grapes, bananas cut in half, oranges, etc.), precut vegetables with hummus for dipping, cheese and crackers, granola bars or chewies, trail mix, applesauce, hummus and crackers, yogurt or Gogurt, graham crackers…  The purpose of snack is to provide a nutritious energy booster when the students need it.  Please keep in mind the nutritional value when choosing a snack.  
10/12  JULIA (4 day week)
10/19   ETHAN
10/26   CAMERON

This Week's Lessons : (students continue to work on previous lessons)

Magic "e"
Article and Noun

Up and Down Family Stroke Review

Checker Board x
Stamp Game +x-/
Bead Frame +x -
Golden Beads- Dynamic Addition
Expanded Notation/Place Value with Number Cards

Constructive Triangles/Equilateral Triangles
Contructive Triangles/Large Hexagon Box

Cultural and Cosmic
Asia- We are beginning the study of Asia as a class.  If you have anything you can send in such as photos or souvenirs with your child that will enhance their experience, please do!  We have a parent that is coming in to cook Indian dishes with the students at some point!

Students are also beginning their own research projects and presentation in both cultural and cosmic education.  If they wish to extend these projects to their home environment, they are more than welcome to.    

Practical Life/Jobs
Arithmetic Materials Specialist
Geometry Materials Specialist

Monday, October 5, 2015

Mathematics Parent Education Program

Come watch and learn how the Stamp Game works.  It's an amazing material that teaches students how to master all four operations.  It is the next step towards abstraction after the Golden Beads.  Often times it is referred to as the "work horse" of Lower Elementary.  

Math Night

MESS Holiday Photo Fundraiser 2015-2016

Click on the link below for more information on the MESS Holiday Photo Fundraiser. All proceeds go towards our Montessori teacher training and certification. The three available dates are fast approaching and they are offered at an incredible price point!  

MESS Holiday Photo Fundraiser

Friday, October 2, 2015

Newsletter Week of September 28

Ms. Jazmin & Ms. Marion
Week of September 28, 2015

A Note from Ms. Jazmin:
Hopefully you have been able to visit Sumdog and Zing!.  I posted login information on both sites in previous posts this week.  I also sent home information on ABCMouse for a few students on Thursday.  ABCMouse is not appropriate for all students as it is geared towards beginning readers.  

This week we had Ms. Cara, that is taking some time off to be with her baby, come in and give a lesson/presentation on Sri Linka.  Ms. Cara spent some extended time in Sri Lanka volunteering in an elephant sanctuary and had many photos, items, and experiences to share with the students.  Also, thank you for those that continue to send in items from countries in Asia.  The students and I are really enjoying the discussions that are springing from these artifacts!  We have items from China, Malaysia, Vietnam, Japan, Kuwait, Afghanistan, and we have shown items from India and Sri Lanka that were returned to their respective homes. 

We have an exciting visitor coming to us and a few other classes next week on Wednesday!  The visitor is a hydroponic garden specialist and he is coming to talk to the students about hydroponic systems and to help us get started with our own hydroponic garden in the classroom!

Below are some fall activities in our area to enjoy with your children.  Make sure to go to the respective websites for more information and details:

Madrac Farms Pumpkin Patch and Corn Maize-Rincon, GA
Savannah Octoberfest-River Street
Holiday Farms Pumpkin Patch, Hayrides, and Pig Races- Ridgeland, SC
Savannah Children's Museum and Scribble Art Studio (story time and art workshops)

Reminder: Please send in all complete permission slips and exact change or check of $9.25. Thank you! 

Wish List
Items from the continent of Asia to display. Remember that the Middle East is in Asia as well :)

Dates to Remember:
10/2        All Unwanted Pictures and/or Picture Money Due
10/7        International Walk to School Day
10/7        Rescheduled Erdkinder Sidewalk Arts Festival 4- 6:30 ALL WELCOME
10/12      Staff/Student Holiday- NO SCHOOL
10/16-18 MESS Holiday Photo Fundraiser (proceeds go towards our Montessori                 teacher training and certification)
10/26-30 Great Pumpkin Book Characters- Media Center
10/30      Bobcat Dads Reading Day (Spooky Stories)
10/30      PTA Fall Festival- Backyard 4-? 
10/30      Dress Down "Sports Stars" $1 for Athletics Fund

Upcoming HEALTHY snack weeks for 26 students: We do have a low level peanut allergy in the classroom, so we do prefer peanut free snacks so that the student may also participate in snack with the class.  
Some suggestions for snack are: precut fruit (apples, grapes, bananas cut in half, oranges, etc.), precut vegetables with hummus for dipping, cheese and crackers, granola bars or chewies, trail mix, applesauce, hummus and crackers, yogurt or Gogurt, graham crackers…  The purpose of snack is to provide a nutritious energy booster when the students need it.  Please keep in mind the nutritional value when choosing a snack.  
10/5    GRAYSON
10/12  JULIA (4 day week)
10/19   ETHAN
10/26   CAMERON

This Week's Lessons : (students continue to work on previous lessons)

Alphabetical Order
Finding Cause and Effect

Letter "p"

Checker Board x
Stamp Game +x-/
Bead Frame +x
Golden Beads- Dynamic Addition
Hundreds Board
Time- Hour, Half Past, Quarter To, Quarter Past

Constructive Triangles/Equilateral Triangles

Cultural and Cosmic
Asia- We are beginning the study of Asia as a class.  If you have anything you can send in such as photos or souvenirs with your child that will enhance their experience, please do!  We have a parent that is coming in to cook Indian dishes with the students at some point!

Students are also beginning their own research projects and presentation in both cultural and cosmic education.  If they wish to extend these projects to their home environment, they are more than welcome to.    

Practical Life/Jobs
Arithmetic Materials Specialist
Geometry Materials Specialist

Thursday, October 1, 2015

Classroom Work

Here is some work going on during our Morning Work Period this morning...

Compound Words Work

Constructive Triangles/Equilateral Triangles

Expanded Notation with Number Cards

Static Addition with Golden Beads

Hundreds Board

Suffix Work

Using Context Clues

Volcano Research

Prefix Work