Saturday, October 17, 2015

Newsletter October 12

Ms. Jazmin & Ms. Marion
Week of October 12, 2015

A Note from Ms. Jazmin:
This was a short week, and I had an all day training Friday, so no reflections were sent home this week. 

Our first field trip is coming up in a little over one week! The virtual field trip, The Good Egg project, was a hit!  I believe it was eye opening for many. Ask your child about their thoughts on their virtual trip to Creighton Farms.  Ask them what they learned! I was surprised to hear some of the things they retained.

We have Compass Learning available to us again! Please use this online resource as much as possible!  Compass Learning is directly tied to the mathematics test that second through eighth grades take, and the test scores are used for promotion criteria in several grades including second and third(right now). The program now also offers Reading and Language Arts in addition to Mathematics.  We are hearing that these areas should also help students with the GMAS test that third grade takes at the end of the year.  Login information will be posted as it comes available. Third grade may begin as soon as they wish because they use the same logins as last year.           

We have some exciting philanthropy opportunities for our students and families coming up!  In November we will begin gathering specific supplies for animals in need at Coastal Pet Rescue, students will be creating decorated winter themed poems for the resident elderly at Habersham House in December, and lastly we will be accepting donations towards our latest Donors Choose project in lieu of holiday gifts for me/the class.  More details will be revealed as time approaches. In the meantime, please remember that we are currently looking for table manning/money collecting volunteers and baked good donations for the Fall Festival to raise money for our new classroom pets.  If you can help by volunteering or by sending in baked goods, please comment below or email to let me know.  

Please see more information and link below and in a previous post from this week for the latest MESS fundraiser; a holiday family photo session with professional photographers at a great value! There is limited availability, so sign up fast!  At the time of creating this post there were very few slots still available. Click here: MESS Holiday Photo Fundraiser 

Below are some fall activities in our area to enjoy with your children.  Make sure to go to the respective websites for more information and details:
Bethesda-Haunted Hayrides
Skidaway Island State Park- Haunted Trail, Falloween Family Fun Day...
Madrac Farms-Pumpkin Patch and Corn Maize-Rincon, GA
Savannah Octoberfest-River Street
Holiday Farms-Pumpkin Patch, Hayrides, and Pig Races- Ridgeland, SC
Savannah Children's Museum and Scribble Art Studio (story time and art workshops)
Isle of Hope Art and Music Festival
Oatland Island- Haunted Hike(October) and Harvest Festival (November)
Children's Book Festival

Wish List
Construction Paper

Dates to Remember:
10/23-11/7 MESS Holiday Photo Fundraiser (proceeds go towards our                                 Montessori teacher training and certification)
10/26-30 Great Pumpkin Book Characters- Media Center
10/30      Bobcat Dads Reading Day (Spooky Stories)
10/30      PTA Fall Festival- Backyard 4-7 (Help with our class bake sale!) 
10/30      Dress Down "Sports Stars" $1 for Athletics Fund
11/5        Science Parent Education Program 
11/6-15   PTA Read-A-Thon (I would love for our class to have 100%                                participation)
11/11      NO SCHOOL Veteran's Day
11/19      PTA Meeting 6:30 Multipurpose Room
11/20      Dress Down $1 Pennies for Patients
11/25-29 NO SCHOOL Thanksgiving Holiday

Upcoming HEALTHY snack weeks for 26 students: We do have a low level peanut allergy in the classroom, so we do prefer peanut free snacks so that the student may also participate in snack with the class.  
Some suggestions for snack are: precut fruit (apples, grapes, bananas cut in half, oranges, etc.), precut vegetables with hummus for dipping, cheese and crackers, granola bars or chewies, trail mix, applesauce, hummus and crackers, yogurt or Gogurt, graham crackers…  The purpose of snack is to provide a nutritious energy booster when the students need it.  Please keep in mind the nutritional value when choosing a snack.  

10/19   ETHAN
10/26   CAMERON
11/2     MICHAEL
11/9     TONY

This Week's Lessons : (students continue to work on previous lessons)

Magic "e"
Article and Noun
Noting Details
Getting the Main Idea
Guide Words
Capital Letters
Sight Words

Letter "e"

Checker Board x
Stamp Game +x-/
Bead Frame +x -
Golden Beads- Dynamic Addition
Money Word Problems
Expanded Notation/Place Value with Number Cards
Making Tens
Subtraction Strip Board

Geometric Solids
Constructive Triangles/Equilateral Triangles
Contructive Triangles/Large Hexagon Box

Cultural and Cosmic
Georgia-Our State
United States Geography

Students are also beginning their own research projects and presentation in both cultural and cosmic education that also align with the Common Core Curriculum.  If they wish to extend these projects to their home environment, they are more than welcome to and encouraged.    

Practical Life/Jobs
Arithmetic Materials Specialist
Geometry Materials Specialist


  1. Hi ms Jazmin, would you post the field trips please? I forgot to put them on the calendar.

  2. Hi ms Jazmin, would you post the field trips please? I forgot to put them on the calendar.

  3. The field trip dates are in the September 21 Newsletter. Also, Musical Explorers is December 9, 2015
