Friday, November 6, 2015

Newsletter November 2

Ms. Jazmin & Ms. Marion
Week of November 2, 2015

A Note from Ms. Jazmin:
WOW! We were able to raise $197 for our classroom pet through the cake walk at the fall festival! A big thank you goes out to all of the families that sent in treats and also to those that helped with the behind the scenes set up for the cake walk and those that helped at the actual event. It would not have been possible without the help. Also, Hipster Hound is generously matching what we raised, so now we will have more than enough to provide bedding, food, toys, etc.! If you haven't already heard, the students voted on a pair of guinea pigs. If you are interested in keeping them over the Thanksgiving break, please let me know via email or a note and I will put your child's name in the drawing. I promised a review on the dunk tank, and I will just say that it was a once in a lifetime experience :)  I am not a fan of being cold, wet, and banged up, but it was all for a good cause and it helped raise money for our PTA that supports our school in many, many, ways.

This week we had a few sixth grade students come in and help set up our hydroponic tower and next week will plant seedlings in our special coconut grow medium. I look forward to updating you on the progress of the garden!

Ask your child about the children's book author visit! 

Thank you to those that came out to the Science Parent Education Program!  If you came, you had the privilege of experiencing some of the Great Lessons, that serve as a spring board for Montessori's cosmic education. See below for more information. 

Next week, on Friday, I plan on baking apples with the students! I will bring in a few of the ingredients, but am requesting help with the others. If you can send something in, let me know via email so that I can let you know what to bring in. Sometimes several people want to bring in the same item. We will need the following:
1 small bag brown sugar 
2 dozen apples (any variety)
1 or 2 apple slicers that look something like this:

Please remember the first and second year field trip was rescheduled for this coming Monday. Make sure your child is dressed for the weather and is wearing comfortable walking shoes.  If the ground is not wet, we plan on having a picnic lunch. Send in any Musical Explorers field trip forms that have not been returned. If you wish for your child NOT to be photographed at the Musical Explorers concert please let me know ASAP via email. Also, I am awaiting several more Student Verification Forms. Even if there are no changes to be made, they must be signed, dated, and returned.   

PTA Read-A-Thon will begin on Monday! This fundraiser has been lucrative in the past with very little participation across the school. My goal is to have 100% participation in our class, even if it's one dollar raised by a student!  Proceeds this year will go towards readers theater that will be housed in the media center for all to use. Readers theater provides fluency practice for students and is also always enjoyed by the students! Information will go home on Monday.  

Below are some fall activities in our area to enjoy with your children.  Make sure to go to the respective websites for more information and details:

Bethesda-Haunted Hayrides
Skidaway Island State Park- Haunted Trail, Falloween Family Fun Day...
Madrac Farms-Pumpkin Patch and Corn Maize-Rincon, GA
Savannah Octoberfest-River Street
Holiday Farms-Pumpkin Patch, Hayrides, and Pig Races- Ridgeland, SC
Savannah Children's Museum and Scribble Art Studio (story time and art workshops)
Isle of Hope Art and Music Festival
Oatland Island- Haunted Hike(October) and Harvest Festival (November)
Children's Book Festival (details in an earlier post)
Jewish Food Festival- Forsyth Park
Food Day- Daffin Park

Wish List
Construction Paper

Dates to Remember:
11/6-30   PTA Read-A-Thon (I would love for our class to have 100%                                participation!)
11/11      NO SCHOOL Veteran's Day
11/19      PTA Meeting 6:30 Multipurpose Room
11/20      Dress Down $1 Pennies for Patients
11/25-29 NO SCHOOL Thanksgiving Holiday

Upcoming HEALTHY snack weeks for 26 students: We do have a low level peanut allergy in the classroom, so we prefer peanut free snacks so that the student may also participate in snack with the class. 
Some suggestions for snack are: precut fruit (apples, grapes, bananas cut in half, oranges, etc.), precut vegetables with hummus for dipping, cheese and crackers, granola bars or chewies, trail mix, applesauce, hummus and crackers, yogurt or Gogurt, graham crackers…  The purpose of snack is to provide a nutritious energy booster when the students need it.  Please keep in mind the nutritional value when choosing a snack. 
11/9     TONY (4 day week)
11/16   DOROTHY
11/23   EVAN (2 day week)

This Week's Lessons : (students continue to work on previous lessons)

Writing- "Tell a Story"- Narrative
Writing- "Introducing a Topic"- Narrative

Letter "h"

Checker Board x
Stamp Game +x-/
Bead Frame +x -
Golden Beads- Dynamic Addition
Subtraction Strip Board

Geometric Solids
Constructive Triangles/Equilateral Triangles
Contructive Triangles/Large Hexagon Box

Cultural and Cosmic
Georgia-Our State
United States Geography
Land and Water Forms

Students are also beginning their own research projects and presentation in both cultural and cosmic education that also align with the Common Core Curriculum.  If they wish to extend these projects to their home environment, they are more than welcome to and encouraged.   

Practical Life/Jobs
Arithmetic Materials Specialist
Geometry Materials Specialist

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